PerfSuite Software

About PerfSuite Version Numbers

A note about PerfSuite version numbers: the "0.x.y" versioning doesn't indicate that the software isn't stable or of use in a production environment. It means that the current release doesn't include all of the components under development as described in the PerfSuite home page ("0.6" is the release level that includes only hardware performance counter and profiling-related features).

Supported Processors & OS

PerfSuite supports Intel/AMD x86, x86-64, and ia64 processors and the Linux/GNU operating system.

PerfSuite Release Announcements

If you would like to receive email notification of new releases of PerfSuite, subscribe to the mailing list perfsuite-announce, maintained at SourceForge. This is a low-volume list dedicated to PerfSuite release announcements only. You can subscribe to this list here.


Here are the current stable and development releases of PerfSuite. The change logs for each release provide detailed information on specific modifications and enhancements.

"Alpha" versions are in a feature addition mode and are provided for early exposure, testing, and feedback on new features. "Beta" versions are frozen in terms of features and are currently undergoing testing and bug fixes for stability prior to final release. Although pre-release in nature, both alpha and beta versions go through extensive testing prior to release on this web site.

Important: If you are using a 2.6-based Linux kernel, you should retrieve the 0.6.2 (development) version of PerfSuite. Earlier versions were developed and tested against 2.4-based kernels only. You can check the kernel version you are running by issuing the command "uname -r".

0.6.1 Final 2005/01/06 0.6.2 Alpha 5 2006/06/01
For 2.4 kernels For 2.4 and 2.6 kernels
tar/gzip (698K)
tar/bzip2 (490K)
tar/gzip (927K)
tar/bzip2 (639K)

If you have functioning copies of CVS software and GNU "wget", you might find this small shell script getsoftware useful. It retrieves PerfSuite and the supporting software that you may need (see below) with one command over the network.

Download the script (you may need to right-click on the link above and select "Save Target As..."), save it to your system, and execute it with the command "sh getsoftware". By default, the script will retrieve PerfSuite only. If you enter "sh getsoftware base", the script will retrieve PerfSuite, PAPI 3, and tDOM. You can optionally request additional supporting software through command line keywords; enter "sh getsoftware help" for more information.

When using the "getsoftware" script, all files will be downloaded to a subdirectory "perfsuite-software". This directory will be created if it does not exist.

You can access earlier releases/descriptions of PerfSuite at this archive page.

Note: PerfSuite software distributions are also available through SourceForge (see the project summary page). The software is identical to what is available here.

Supporting Software

The following software packages are useful (but not required) to build PerfSuite:

PAPI (Performance API)
Portable access to hardware performance counters
Kernel and user level support for accessing the IA-64 Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU)
Cross-platform scripting language
Tcl extension for XML processing

Additional software that can be used in conjunction with PerfSuite:

Tools and a library for generating and visualizing profiling data

You may also want to apply this patch to VProf version 0.12 that updates it for use with recent versions of supporting software it uses (PAPI, Qt)

PerfSuite's psrun and psprocess utilities can be used to generate profile files that can be read and displayed by VProf


Please send any bug reports and/or other comments about PerfSuite to the mailing lists that are listed on the PerfSuite home page. Your feedback and input is much appreciated.


PerfSuite is licensed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.

PerfSuite Logo

Last modified: Friday, 09-Jun-06 07:34:02

Email: perfsuite (at)
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign